Dr. Laura Severin has worked for North Carolina State University for thirty-four years as a faculty member and an administrator. She is currently the head of the English department, where, among other duties, she is tasked with balancing disciplinary and interdisciplinary commitments. She has been dedicated to interdisciplinary work throughout her career, first leading an interdisciplinary program (Women’s and Gender Studies) from 1996-2001, then managing the College of Humanities and Social Sciences interdisciplinary programs as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs from 2004-2007, and finally facilitating the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program, an interdisciplinary cluster hiring program, as Special Assistant to the Provost from 2012-2015. She has written on cluster hiring for Inside Higher Ed and served as a contributing expert on the APLU publication on cluster hiring. In addition, she has acted as an interdisciplinary consultant for several universities. In collaboration with social science and STEM faculty, she has written several successful interdisciplinary grants, funded by NSF, on women in science; her most significant and most sustained effort was as a co-PI on NC State’s ADVANCE grant (2008-2012), intended to better recruit and retain women faculty and faculty of color. She is a former ACE Fellow (class of 2011-2012), hosted by Duke University to study their approach to cluster hiring. She continues to be an active researcher and teacher in the area of contemporary British poetry. Her research is focused on artistic collaborations between Scottish women poets and visual artists around topics of the environment and human health.
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